Monday, November 12, 2007

People's judgement

It's incredible how much society and its rating could influence our life down to smallest details...and I am not speaking specifically of great choices, such as the work or sexual orientation, where also other factors far more important are involved! I'm talking about the small things of every day, as for exemple express one's opinion, dressing as better we think or cultivate one's passion...even if this can mean go against the common morality...The largest portion of people has preconceptions about this and mental limits that even the words of a friend sometimes managet pull down...

There are for exemple people who look with suspicion those who succeed to not give a damn of other people's judgement, they are afraid of them, they think (sowing the tares with the wheat...) they were revolutioaries trying to subvert the Order; some people indeed are afraid to show for what they are, but, although they admire those people who manage it, prefere continue to hide oneself and to feign because it's more easy and confortable living without be judged; then there are people who think all those who choose to live one's life whatever may think the mass (breaking inevitably out of a mould), do so only to be noticed from other people, mistaking earth-shatteringly the effect with cause, wich maybe be valid for the teenagers or people who get more importance to appear rather to be but it isn't a general rule; there even are people so presumptuos and stupid that they arrogate to oneself the right to force others to respect their own moral code: it's the case of totalitariam regimes, tough guys and the majority of ignorant people, with restricted mentality and lacking in respect for others...

We live once and we cannot turn back: we cannot sacrifice oneself for fear to being judged bizarre, jugglers, anachronistic, dreamers, idealistic, childish...When old I'll think back to everything I would have could do and I haven't done and I'll have waste my one and only life to keep just oneself on a leash as the parody of my same companion four-legged, what I'll do with good judjgement and other people approval I've acquired? The one and only law, wich all others are due, is that we can do all we want util we don't damage other people's freedom: those that aren't due from this, have written Jonathan Livingston's parents...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Welcome all, my dear guests!!!

And so, at the end, I also let oneself be lured from blog's charm...

One time I wrote a diary but unfortunately I' had very bad handwriting...or better: my handwriting is perfectly readble but there isn't a single letter like others and many are stiff or slope to one side leaning on precedent's shoulder...I always tell I should make it do a little bit of gymnastics with a good calligraphy's course, but or I never find time or in that moment I've other costs in the head...furthermore, let's tell, I'm also a little untidy and so page is often full of cancellings and corrections: in short it hasn't a good-looking!!! But, as the great Kattivik said, "Geniuses live in the chaos, idiots in the order!!!" me! Blog has been created this morning and so, as you can see, is still bare but in the next time, I'll dress with photos (one of my many passions...), title of book I've read and I recommend with relative review, and so much other! For the moment I say goodbye to you and ask, if you can, to spread news a new corner where stop, sit down and relax forgetting a little bit of daily frenetic life has been created!!!

A genuine smile all you, big and little guests
